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About Braiden….

Upon Braiden’s birth, he was not expected to survive his first night. His parents were informed he had Cerebral Palsy and would not walk or see. His emotional and cognitive ability would be devastated, and later diagnosed with Autism and severe anxiety. But to know Braiden today at 18 years old, you would quickly realize he fiercely strives for his independence in every activity and doesn’t see himself as “disabled” in any way!


Braiden has a love for all things APPLE ( iPods, iPad, AppleTV, you name it he knows all about it!) He has said he wants to work at APPLE when he gets older – so look out Tim Cook!!


Every year is a special gift and joy to see all that Braiden has accomplished. He attends Claremont Secondary School in Victoria, BC Canada.  He enjoys going to school and being able to express his interests. Braiden participates in an adapted PE program at Pacific Institute of Sport, swims and loves going on adventures in the community. He continues to work hard at Physiotherapy 2x per week and competes in running (walking) races whenever possible.


Most young adults, move onto College or University after Hight School or go find jobs. Looking into what Braiden’s future might look like,  it was apparent that those options were not practical due to his high level of anxiety and the complexity of his challenges. However he DID need a focus and purpose once the structure of k-12 was complete. So thinking outside the box with his family and school supports, 3D printing was explored……. and it was “HIT” as Braiden would say! His future looks a whole lot more exciting now for sure.

Although Braiden faces many challenges each day and had a rough start to life, he approaches life with a spirit that inspires all who meet him.


Enjoy his 3D Creations!


(written by Linda Gilmour / AKA- proud mom of Braiden)

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